Tuesday, October 28, 2008

World Economy - A Monkey Business

I got this article from Sister Joy... to lighten us up at the same time to reflect on some realities.

     " ... this monkey story is a good analogy for what's happening on Wall Street and other financial markets in the world at present.  It is all about greed, and losing one's common sense when one is faced with material temptations that can potentially give him much profit without much work..."

If you have difficulty understanding the current world financial situation, the following story might help---------

Once upon a time in a village in India, a man announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10.

The villagers seeing there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands at $10, but, as the supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their efforts.

The man further announced that he would now buy at $20.  This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms.

The offer rate increased to $25 and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch it!  The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50!  However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now act as buyer, on his behalf.  In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers: 'Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at $35 and when he returns from the city, you can sell them back to him for $50.'

The villagers squeezed together their savings and bought all the monkeys.  Then they never saw the man or his assistant again, only monkeys everywhere!

Welcome to WALL STREET.
If you have peanuts, then you will get all the monkeys that you don't need.
Have a nice monkey day!
Note: If you don't have peanuts, the monkey will eat you.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Moments with Vigan Church

I went to Vigan to minister to the members of our daughter church for five days.  We had Bible study, worship seminar, fellowship, film showing and worship service.  I enjoyed the fellowship with the members of our church.  They were warmth and fun to be with.  The atmosphere during my stay was light and simple.   They were very generous and accommodating.  They provided for my needs within the new parsonage where I stayed.

There is a great need for a fulltime worker in our daughter church since members are scattered as far as Laoag, Batac and Abra.  I am blessed with their faithfulness to travel so long distance just to worship the Lord.  I also had mixed filling with their hunger for the Word and complacency with the church.  Hunger because you see their eagerness to learn and listen to instruction. Complacency because I felt their spiritual life just plateau focus only on listening, maybe this is a side effect from not having a fulltime pastor that would bring them deeper into the Word of God and help them explore their spiritual gifts for church ministry use.

The church had a wonderful team of young leaders.  I felt their dedication and love for the Lord. They are spending much of their personal time in putting the different ministries in functional state.  They need more workers to help them out.  I am glad the older church leaders were just glad and willingly support their ministry especially on the financial aspect.

I really felt convicted to help this church but still need to pray how.   There are too many things that can be done because the church really has a big potential with a congregation of 70.  This is big compared to most of our daughter churches that does not exceed 40.  And there is over a thousand Filipino-Chinese in Vigan alone.  This does not include the nearby places like Batac, Candon, Abra…

I pray to God for right direction and conviction on how to continually and effectively minister to their people by the mother church.  I also pray for the spiritual nourishment of our members in Vigan.  May the name of the Lord be glorified and praised in this place.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Moments with Vigan City

It was my first time to be in Vigan.  I have always dream to visit the place.  I like old houses; maybe I am a more sentimental person – hehehe.  The night we arrived, I saw how beautiful the place was with yellow lights all over, matching with the old structures everywhere.  It was a bigger and better version of Intramuros.

We arrived in our daughter church that is located in the center of these old structures.  We actually got lost because we can’t find the cross; churches usually have a cross in front of the building.  After asking several Tanods, we finally found the church; it was 4 am in the morning. And there was no cross.  No wonder we can’t find it.  The front of the church is part of the old structures that are preserved by the government.  I thought the church was like a haunted house.  When the gate opened, it was the only time I had a sigh of relief, our church actually have a new and beautiful structure behind those walls –hehehe.  And there was the big cross inside.

The first thing in the morning I did was to try finding a Starbucks… no coffee shop in Vigan. Immediately, I thought maybe this would be a good investment since the church is located in the tourist spot and Starbucks would definitely be a hit in that area for the tourist.

I was able to go around and saw Baluarte, heritage, and hidden garden where they have exotic plants that cost around 150,000 to 300,000 a plant.  I missed the pottery and weaving places due to lack of time.   But anyway, I believe that I would still have future opportunities to visit them.

Life in Vigan is slow, it seems all shops are close before sun down and people in their respective houses early for family dinner.  The streets would be clear by 8pm.  Vigan is a very safe place to live; we even just left the church doors open the whole day without any fear of robbers or thieves.  People are warmth and hospitable. We were greeted by people who we do not know as we walk along the streets.

The historic landmarks were amazing.  I just felt sayang… the government should have invested in restoring the structures rather than just leaving those untouched and a law that prohibits its improvements.  I remember the time when I visited Russia.  When Russia fell into the hands of the Communist, the Communist tried to destroy their heritage including destroying and burning down to the ground both Winter and Summer Palaces of the Czars.  After Russia was liberated, they restored both palaces in full, including the original paintings; wallpapers, woodcrafts and every inch and corner to its original structure using its original components and craftsmanship. Now, the Russians can recollect their heritage and learn from history through these palaces of the mighty Czars who once ruled them.   I personally think the government of Vigan needs to restore those structures so that it can last for the next generation to learn and appreciate our heritage as Filipinos.
I had an opportunity to enter some of these houses; actually they are houses of some of our church members.  It looks elegant as well as creepy… hehehe.   It is elegant because of its history and vast space in every section of the house.  It really represents the house of the affluent during the Spanish Occuptation.  It is also creepy in the sense because they were not allowed to renovate, so as you make your steps around the house, you are thinking the possibility of your foot getting stuck on the floor as it squeaks and cracks… hehehe.   But they are very very nice places to visit, I do not know about living in one, since I have not tried it.  I heard many mystical things that are happening inside these houses… hehehe.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Moments in Ilocos Norte

It was my first time also to visit Ilocos Norte.  I happen to drop by the resting place of President Ferdinand Marcos and paid my respect to him.  His old residence were now off limits to visitors and these are deteriorating fast.  I hope the Marcoses can invest on their old houses and restore these for people to visit.  Maybe converting it to museum of Apo Marcos.  The Marcos charm continues to exist as many visitors comes to pay respect to the great leader everyday.  All the while I thought the mausoleum was at a top of a hill surrounded by a beautiful garden... hindi pala hehehe... it is just located at the backyard of the old Marcos home.

Batac and Laoag were the two places we visited.  We went to visit several very old Roman Catholic churches like the church in Paoay, Sta. Monica and another one which I forgot... but we have pictures so no worries.

It was a long drive going to Ilocos Norte from Vigan.  It took around one hour and a half going there.  The towns were small, but the road going to these places were a great blessing.  We enjoyed wonderful sight seeing of harvesting rice by the farmers, everything was green and beautiful.  The stalks were orderly, and the people by family male, female, young and old were all together for the harvest.  It was just how we read it in book during our elementary years.

It was indeed a blessing being through these places... it seems to sooth my soul with the workmanship of God.  I think I am really getting old and enjoying these slow pace of life... hehehe...

We visited Fort Ilocandia, it is really a very nice place to have photo shoots.  The place is complete with amenities that just being there is enough to relax and enjoy.  As I have said, a great place to get married.

I did not go to Pagudpod since I am alone... corney naman if I will go to the beach alone.  hahaha... it will be another one and half hour ride going north of Laoag.

Ilocos is really rich with culture and heritage of the Filipinos... everyone should visit.

Monday, October 20, 2008

FInd Us Faithful

In my message this morning on Gospel Fever using the Book of Acts.  We discussed about the early persecutions.  The apostle were beaten up, arrested, and imprisoned and yet they stayed faithfulness at all cost in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.  How come the apostles and early disciples were very much willing to sacrifice even their life for the gospel?  And in our generation, where there is freedom of religion, we are so complacent to share the gospel to our own love ones?

I concluded my messages with a challenge by using the song Find Us Faithful.  I praise God for the whole congregation responded to the call to become faithful followers of Jesus in preaching the gospel at all cost.  I pray that our church would really be able to share our faith with more urgency and steadfastness so that more people could come to know the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Find Us Faithful
John Morh

We're pilgrims on the journey
Of the narrow road
And those who've gone before us line the way
Cheering on the faithful, encouraging the weary
Their lives a stirring testament to God's sustaining grace

Surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses
Let us run the race not only for the prize
But as those who've gone before us
Let us leave to those behind us
The heritage of faithfulness passed on through godly lives

Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful
May the fire of our devotion light their way
May the footprints that we leave
Lead them to believe
And the lives we live inspire them to obey
Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful

After all our hopes and dreams have come and gone
And our children sift through all we've left behind
May the clues that they discover and the memories they uncover
Become the light that leads them to the road we each must find


Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful
Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Hassle of Virus

My PC got hit by a virus and it was really terrible since no anti-virus software was able to kill the virus.  The only solution is for me to reformat my computer.  After reformatting, I was trying to install all softwares and files back to its place.  But the audio won't work.  I was really disgusted since I have spent more than a day just to make my computer work again.

I needed to reformat my computer the second time around, and this time after reinstalling all softwares and files, it finally worked.  But I was so frustrated about this since I am quite busy preparing my message for tomorrow and I lost so much time.

After all of these hassle, I decided to exile my PC to my house and give it to my mom.  My mom has been asking for a computer for more than a year now.  So, finally she will get one.

As for me... talagang Mac na ako - no virus, no need to reinstall anything, no tons of wires... grrr talaga…

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Missed the Series

I have not watched any series for so many months now.  I have been very busy preparing messages that I have neglected my social life, some ministries and even my leisure time in watching Chinese series.  I prefer to watch Chinese series than Korean series.  For action, the best are from Hong Kong, while for drama, the best are from Taiwan.

I came home the other night, and my mom was watching this new series that my sister just bought.  It was good, and every single moment was not boring.  So, I decided to watch it, though I am more fond of kung-fu series.  I enjoyed the whole film and recommended it to people who love to watch series like me.

It was a mixed love story, comedy and drama.  There was a drama part that actually moved me to cry.  After crying, I seem to feel so light and released from all the burdens in my life.  I discovered that crying is a form of therapy.  All the stress and pressures and burdens within me suddenly disappeared.  I felt more joyful and started to have a more positive outlook in life again.

Buti na lang... it seems life is really a drama.  The two faces that represent the theater arts speaks how life should be to make it wholesome, I supposed - sometimes we need to laugh and sometimes we need to cry.  Hehehe

Anyone wants to borrow?

Friday, October 17, 2008

I Knew It... New Macbook

I was really hesitant to buy a macbook last July because I have a feeling that Apple will finally release a new version of Macbook.  Anyway, no regrets since I am very much comfortable with my present Macbook.

It could have been a better if I waited awhile with this new version since the new Macbook seems to be much slimmer, aluminum and NVIDIA... oh wow!

I am well adjusted with my mac after doing several sermons including my Chinese manuscripts using Pages and presentations through keynote.  Still need to learn much but at least I am able to cope up with the changes of moving to a new software.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Meeting My Cousin for the First Time

I met my cousin Joseph for the first time during the funeral of his mom this morning.  Maybe we met when I was a kid but I really do not have any recollection.  But it was good that I finally met him and was able to talk with him.  Heard so many good things about him and his family but they have been living in the States for 31 years.  He looks like Tony Abuel hehehe... I think he is a carbon copy of his dad, as I remember his dad's picture.

At least we were able to get acquainted and hope it can be a start of a fellowship for him and our family.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

And Now One

From two and now down to one...

It was a tragic event for our family once again as we see another older generation go.  My Auntie Viring passed away yesterday and it was a tragic incident because she was burned to death.  A fire that broke out of her room when her television exploded, and the breaker failed to trip.  It was less than an hour when the whole house was burned into ashes.

I saw the sadness of my dad, when I told him the news.  Auntie Viring has been bed ridden after her stroke for the last eight years.  My dad was saddened and anger because of the so much sufferings she went through and to die in such away is too much.  Life is really very much unfair.  Now, my dad is left alone in their generation.

Maybe the only good thing is, she being a professed Christian.  Both of my Aunts came to know Jesus through the perseverance and work of Pastor Helen Tam.

I remembered my auntie Viring as a tindera.  She has a sari-sari store in Arranque market when we were little kids.  I remembered my mom or my lola used to bring me to her store and I can pick all the toys I wanted.  I can still remember getting a small basketball, a gun, and of course not to forget the candies, were only some of the things I got from her store.  It was really fun going to her store.

She was a kind-hearted woman.  I remembered she is the refuge of all her siblings when they are in need.  She takes good care of them and of course us since most of her siblings were not that fortunate in business and profession.  She makes sure that everyone has something to spend.

She was my Tua-kho who loves to play mah-jong and enjoy the company of her children and grandchildren, plus her nephews and nieces.  She is like a mom to all.  After her stint in Arranque market, she transfered to Divisoria and had a store that sells cloth.  I also remembered rolls and rolls of clothes in her store.  She was also known around Tabora (If I am not mistaken) as a very good person.  Once I  visited her store, all her neighbors were good to her and very much accommodating when the cloth I needed was not available in her store.

When we were young, we would often go to her house during New Year's Eve because she wanted all of us to be together.  To have some fun and reunion as one big family.  She truly had done her part as the eldest among the siblings, she always make sure that the family was well in tact.

The last time I visited her was around a year ago, I think.  She can't speak but was able to recognize me.  Once I brought along my father to visit her.  I went there twice.  It was only this year that I was not able to see her because as I was knocking at their gate for a long time and no one was there to respond to my knock.

We did not tell her that most of her siblings have passed away.  Maybe she would be very surprise to see them in the other life.  Truly, unless all of us accept Jesus to be our personal Lord and Savior, it would be impossible for our family to have a grand reunion in heaven.  But I thank God that each one of them has put their faith in Jesus before they passed away.

I am sure to see them in the very near future.... naku dad ko dapat talaga ievangelize na... matigas ang ulo, I need prayer support or else it might be too late and a thing I will regret for life.