Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wrong Criteria

I encountered a group of leaders who were in despair to recruit new members to the board of their institution.  Their first criteria was actually 100,000 pesos, I really felt that it was unappropriate.  Why is this Christian institution in despair of money?  Why were their leaders too focused with money?  It seems the only criteria at present was only the capacity to give, the rest are secondary because their opening statement in recruitment was money.

This has bothered me intensely today; it is seems the Spirit is speaknig to my heart with intense anger. I remembered the messages of our former senior pastor in his last three visits, he kept on emphasizing on Deuteronomy 8 :18 "But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth..." This message given to the leaders of our church may have contained deeper meaning which has been neglected.  There was strong emphasis the "even the ability to produces" comes from God.

The right criteria for any institution especially Christian institution should be people who lives righteously and practices holiness and this should be the first and formost criteria.  I believe having godly people in the leadership will enable the institution to produce wealth.  For in Romans 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

These two passages have been too common for us that we started to neglect its meaning as true and literal promise of God to his children.

If we seek God first, everything will be given even the ability to produce wealth are given to His people...

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