Sunday, November 30, 2008

Worse Preaching Ever

It seems I have been too loaded with so many things lately that I cannot cope up with my schedule.  I was so busy writing my sermon the whole week, I was really cramming since the passage they gave is really so difficult to preach.  I spend so much time preparing the English version, then translating it to its Chinese version.  I was also in our young professionals' retreat in Mt. Sea Resort.  My schedule was so loaded in translating and typing my manuscript in Chinese that I was not even able to go around and see the beautiful place, not even a dip in their beautiful pool.  I was just going around the session hall, my room and the dinning room again and again.

After finishing my Chinese translation which is taking so much time to translate and type, I discovered that I was only preaching one session instead of two.  I would only be preaching in the Chinese service, and come to think of it, I spend tons of time doing the English version. I should have made the Chinese version of the sermon directly if only I have checked my schedule.  I would have saved so much time and prepared well.  

Anyway, comes Saturday night, my first reading for my Chinese sermon.  I discovered that it was not readable.  I can't even understand myself as I read my manuscript. Grrr...

So, I started to revise my manuscript until 2:00 am.  I woke up at 7:00 am and start doing my PowerPoint presentation.  I finished it almost 9:00 am. Rush rush rush... I read my manuscript only once, which has never happened before.

As I deliver the message to the congregation, I was lost several times with my thoughts, and in several incidents I was not able to say correctly the pronunciation of the Chinese words. I was so frustrated.  ahhhh!!!!

I prayed and prayed as I prepare my sermon, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.  I really lack sleep and indeed lack time to prepare, review, practice and internalize my message.

I asked the Lord to forgive me for not able to deliver His message well.  And come to think of it, I am rushing another message again for this Sunday to be delivered in my church in UECP, and it will also be in English and Chinese.

Please help pray for me...  It was really my worse preaching ever.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The La Sallian Prayer

In my class this week at ATS, we covered innovation and change.  Youth Ministry is full of changes as we try to meet the fast shifting cultures of our young people today.  Reviewing how to manage change has renewed the challenge to keep up with the changes in the needs of our young people in the youth ministry.  Sometimes, I wanted to surrender for new innovations are always around the corner these days.  But I praise God, though there are many changes that happens in this world, I am reminded that my ministry with young people has not change, and the Word of God has not change either.

I remember our La Sallian prayer... seeking God for us to be continually a catalyst of change and make this world a better place to live in.  This prayer has reminded me the importance of change and it starts from with me.  All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me...

Let me be the change I want to see
to do with strength and wisdom all that needs to be done
and become the hope I can be

Set me free from my tears and hesitations
Grant me courage and humility
Fill me with Spirit to face the challenge
and start the change I long to see

Even if I am not the light
I can be the spark
In faith, service and communion
let us start the change we want to see
The change that begins in me

Live, Jesus, in our hearts FOREVER

Friday, November 21, 2008

Manila Council Christmas Camp

It has been years since the last time I participated in a council camp.  We always have a Christmas and a summer camp done annually.  I still remember having more than a thousand people attending this camp.  So much activities, fun and camaraderie among boys and adults coming from both public and private schools.  Even the Chinese schools have actively participated in these camps.

Months ago, I was appointed by the Council Executive Board to be the Camp Director of the upcoming Christmas Camp.  It will be held in Cogeenick Scout Camp in Taysan Batangas from December 26 to 30.  As we prepare for the camp, I learned that camps for the past years have less than 400 participants.  This is a very big drop since my last camp with Manila Council.

As the country face recession, it has been doubtful if we can reach more people to join this Christmas camp.  Anyway, our staff is very optimistic that we will target 61 per district and that would be around 720 participants plus 40 staff.  So, all in all 780 to 800 people.

As a pastor and the camp director, I am strengthening the spiritual aspect of the council camp by adding worship service, mass, film showing, scripture memory, track distribution and a button pin "Scout is Reverent."

As we investigate issues and feedbacks from previous camps, it has been a common feedback that the Scouts are often short-changed, the staff has not enough food, and other complains.

This year the Scouts and Scouters are all in for a surprise because the camp will be flooded by equipment for their district and tons of souvenirs for each individual.  The camp will be of so many things for people to remember, take home and enjoy.

So far, I praise God that for His provision.  For the district equipment we have already received and will be distributing cooler and Petromax light for each districts use, and hopefully a memorial tent.  For the Scouts, the lantern, neckerchief, Manga Book, coin bank, stickers and buttons, bauler and many other things for them to take home all through donations coming from wonderful donors.  I am still coordinating snack for each day.  I hope the Scouts and Scouters in Manila would indeed have a very Merry Christmas.

 For donations: you can contribute raffle prizes for the Scouters night - any item will do

Monday, November 10, 2008

First Day in ATS

It was a wonderful experience going to my first class in ATS last Thursday, where I started to teach a course in Ministry to the Youth.  I rate our discussion good since there was lively exchange of ideas and I hope it could go better in the weeks to come as we get to know more about each other.

I only have five enrolled students but only four attended.  I was so focused on my lesson plan that we ran out of time.  We did not finish was we are suppose to finish because I have to introduce to my class how to use Multiply, which is part of my requirement to pass the course but not in our schedule.  I also failed to include the grace period of 15 minutes for late comers and I was not able to set any break time in my prepared schedule.  I really need to make some adjustments to make sure that all areas of concern will be well met.

At first, I was having a problem of how to facilitate the games and discussion sessions I prepared since we are so few.  But anyway, I believe we would have more meaningful exchanges of thoughts with few people.  There is a real need to shift the games I have prepared.  Hmmm, I still wonder how?

Let see what comes next.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Longest Week in My Life

It was amazing that for the first time in my life, I was not able to keep track of my appointments this week.  This is the first time it happened to me that one appointment is clogging my schedule after the other.  I was surprised, I missed recording  so many things that I need to do for the week.  

Monday to Wednesday, I was in Makati Hope teaching a module on Organizational Management.  This went more than six hours a day.  And I still have to do church work and have to attend meetings at night.  I was also busy trying to shift my module to better suit the needs of the students.  I was so busy that even missed going my Bible Study with Hope's Volleyball team that was suppose to meet with me after school hours.  This one really slipped my mine.

I was too tired Monday night that I need a massage and luckily I had one.  Tuesday night was prayer meeting in church and Wednesday night, I need to finalize my lessons the next day and finalize my message for Saturday and Sunday.

Thursday morning was my first day in ATS with my course on "Ministering to the Youth."  I had lunch with a friend and a meeting with the spiritual coordinator of our Christmas camp for the boy and senior Scouts in Manila.  At night time, I had an important meeting that lasted until 11 pm.

Friday, I was so exhausted that I have to stay home in the morning and rest.  But in the afternoon, I have to rush for Student Fellowship where I need to facilitate my group for an activity.  Here comes evening, I have to finish my powerpoint for my message in college fellowship and went to Midtown around 8 pm to buy a camera bag, and I had a cup of coffee in UCC where I tried to finish reading my book for the week titled "Microtrends."  To my surprise, I forgot all about that I was suppose to teach the last two lessons in our EE Training the following morning until Fred reminded my about it.

I spent the whole morning teaching the last two lesson of our EE training in church, as well as facilitating the written and oral exams.  Then, I have to rush to meet and finalize with Sandra with regards to the ATS extension class in the afternoon, where she is helping me coordinate.  Then, I sat in the first extension class of ATS in our church for an hour and a half, just to take a look how our church members are doing.  Then off to Hope for the Senior's Retreat Camp Staff meeting at 4 pm.  Then, rush back to church to speak in College Fellowship at 7pm.  Afterwards, rush again for a meeting with our marketing team on our film project "Lumpia."  And the day is not over, I have to rush for choir rehearsal.

The following day, which is today (Sunday), I have to preach in San Pablo.  Rush back to Manila for the Consistory meeting at 1 pm.  At 3 pm, I have to leave to preach in Living Water Fellowship.  Rush back to the meeting to facilitate our Consistory's FGD.  After the whole tiring week, I thought after the meeting, I wanted to watch a movie, just to relax myself.  Upon reaching the door of the board room, I was being called again and being reminded that people are waiting for me upstairs in one of our mini-conference for another meeting about the possibility of starting a new ministry near Ateneo that lasted an hour.

I was so tired that I have to let go of watching a movie.  I went home and try to watch a film, but I am too tired to do so.  Had a little chat with my friends and now trying to reflect what happened to me throughout the week.

I was really exhausted... I will sleep till late tomorrow morning to refresh myself.  I thank God still for allowing to minister to a lot of people this week.  Though it was tiring, I still believe it was fruitful.  All for the glory of God.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Teachers Deserves to Be Paid More

I just finished a three day module in Makati Hope Christian School on Organizational Management.  This is an alternative class conducted by the student affairs to better prepare students from all high school level to get a bird's eye-view on their career preference.

My goodness, with the constructivist and innovative approach in my module.  I am really drained to the last drop.  How can a teacher teach such long hours?  My goodness, it was so exhausting to teach the whole day and the students are very very active and engaged.

It is better talaga to teach graduate school.  But I really do not know that - hehehe.  But will know by tomorrow since it would be my first day of class, teaching in Asian Theological Seminary.

Now, I know that teachers needs to be paid more.  With such effort, stress, and so many stuffs.  I salute all the teachers of the world... they deserve all the praises for such stamina and contribution to the formation of the minds of this world.

Praise God, its over!!! hehehe…

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Help Me Out and Vote

I wanted to buy an iPhone since my Treo 650 is already five years old and doesn't want to sync with my macbook.  iPhone really works well with macbook.  It will sync my address book, YM, and emails.  Change one area and it automatically changes the information in all applications. And iPhone gives 0% interest on 12 months installment.  I can slowly pay the amount, through staggered payment.

I wanted to buy a BOSE SoundDock, not SoundDock II.  I wanted to buy the one with the battery.  I have not maximize the use of my ipod because my ears are not comfortable with earphones.  And with the small group ministry shifting to another level, music seems a necessity for worship within the group.  I was thinking, since I do not play any instrument, playing music through my ipod with beautiful speaker sounds can help in my small group's worship.  The SoundDock is handy and has battery to run it for hours.  It has a companion bag, where I can bring it to places safely.  And the best part is, I can get it through my best friend with more than 25% less the price in the market.

Both are needed and useful for my ministry.... so what do you think, which should I buy first?  or should I just not buy any of them... (",)

Vote now and help me decide... of course I am open for contribution since Christmas is fast approaching… hehehe