Saturday, January 31, 2009

Glimpses on Senior's Retreat 2009

I praise God for the just concluded Seniors' Retreat in Rizal Re-creation Center, Laguna.  After a year rest from partnering in this ministry with Hope Christian High School, I praise God that the school has agreed to partner with the church once again.

God works miraculously in this retreat.  So far this is the most memorable Seniors' Retreat I have attended.  I have had good memories with 2002 and 2004 batches, but this batch is quite unique.  I personally felt they were obedient and very cooperative.  It seems we were able to easily get along with them.  They follow instructions well and cooperates with everyone.  They listen and respect the counselors and staff.  I did not have a hard time asking them to go to their quarters every night.  I was really amazed and love this batch.

The uniqueness I realize from this batch was they really care so much for one another.  They also share so many common interest and they are fond of spending meaningful time with one another.  In every group I visit, I really felt very very welcome.  There were very small problem with some but it were no big deal.

We had four days and three nights in this retreat.  I think there were only one or two batches having 4 days 3 nights retreat.  We had a very different program, moving away from how we use to do camps in our church.  We had two full days of heavy physical activities (we called this physical exercise), and then two full days of reflection and messages (we call this mental exercise).  It seems the changed that were done were really excellent.  I do not know how God made the program that way, we just did it to accommodate our speaker's availability.  The new setup was able to prepare the young people to listen well during the different reflection and messages of the speakers.  They were able to easily related the activities to the messages and were able to get a full grasp of the whole idea of the theme of the retreat - To be Ready for Life.  It's that amazing.

Another area, I wanted to praise God about the change of this program setup was that both staff and counselors were able to rest and bond with the students, listen to the messages and had enough rest because there were no other physical activities on the last two days - except the praise and worship.  It seems because of the whole day of mental exercise, the students need to let go of their steam within, the praise and worship was terrific, you would feel the presence of God and the testimonies were blessings to all of us.  It just showed that our love, care and labor throughout this retreat paid off.  The students were sharing the things they learned from camp, realizations in life, and commitment for change.  We were all indeed blessed.

The staff felt blessed in this camp.  Most of the time, if you are a member of the staff, you felt weary after a camp.  It seems after all the hard work you pour out, you will feel empty and not even spiritually nourished.  But this camp all of us were spiritually nourished, even me - God spoke to my loudly in this camp, which I will share in another blog.  

We had a very different reflection in this camp, reflection itself was activity-oriented in a way it created large impact on the students lives as shared in their testimonies.  The dedication was also done before closing, which was also effective in a way, it became a culminating activity of commitment for the young people after all the learning activities in the retreat.

Praise the Lord!  He worked in our lives and in the lives of the students.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Life Begins at 40

Our high school batch officers met to discuss some issue with regards to our new set of officers in preparation for our 25 year.  We gathered to have a meeting but it turned out that 90% of the time we were discussing healthy foods and medicine and maintenance.

We are really getting old, almost 40.  It seems life really begins at 40.  This really meant that we start to be conscious with life by 40 because our body starts to become a medicine cabinet.  As we grow old, it is noticeable that we became more health conscious maybe it is all because of survival.

Especially for some of us who has remained single.  We have more time to worry about our health as compared to those who have gotten married.  Married life has not time for health consciousness since most of them are very busy trying to make ends meet in their family as well as getting their children to school, their sickness and so many other concerns that has kept them busy enough.

 I guess both has advantages and disadvantages.


Monday, January 5, 2009

Reflections on Christmas Camp Scout Law

In this Christmas camp, the staff has given emphasis on two laws.  The Scout is Thrifty and the Scout is Reverent but through the course of the camp we added two more, which are The Scout is Trustworthy and the Scout is Clean.

Camp or any Scouting activity should be a place were we need to highlight values emphasized by the Scout Oath (our duties) and the Scout Law (our values).  Since it has been observed that Scout no longer how to be thrifty, we launch a piggy bank campaign that challenges the participants to save and prepare their participation in the upcoming Asia-Pacific Jamboree that would be held in Makiling.  Though is would be held in the Philippines, it is still an international activity.

Another was the Scout is Reverent, we inserted different activities that would help the Scouts have reverence to the god they serve; we had a worship service for all (since the Roman Catholic priest did not arrived, everybody just came to the Christian worship service), gospel folding card activity and gospel film showing on Joshua.  Spiritual formation is one of the emphasis of the Scouting Movement.  Since most of the participants believe in the Christian God, we gave more emphasis to Him and His Son Jesus Christ because after all, we were celebrating Christmas.  We ended up giving God the Grand Mabuhay Yell during our lantern parade and merry making with their coin bank; everybody was praising God.

Later, we added two more though we did not create any activity for these two but was kept repeatedly in every announcement.  Since there was theft in the camp, we gave emphasis on the Scout is Trustworthy.  We kept on repeating this and matching with the emphasis on Scout is Reverent, most of the stolen goods where returned at the end of the day.

Lastly, we also gave emphasis on the Scout is Clean.  We were surprised when after the film showing, the place is like a movie house that is full of wrappers and junk all over.  So, we also gave emphasis on this law as we were about to break camp.  The camp was indeed very clean as if we were never there after such emphasis.

I think this is always missing when we do things whether in church, school, and even in Scouting.  We always forget to give emphasis on those values formation that should be  intentionally added to the different activities.  When we do this intentional addition of values emphasis, learning for the young people would be complete because their minds are being formed with the correct values that they need to possess.

I think the staff should always rethink how we plan our activities in Scouting.  We have to always try to find how to insert these values or the Scout Oath and the Scout Law in every activity we make.  This is a clear lesson from the Basic Training Course but I still wonder how come these were not being applied properly in all our activities.  This is actually what educators would say as part of the Curriculum Mapping.

Anyway, I believe this camp made the difference especially through the effort of the dynamic staff who dedicated themselves selflessly to serve the boy.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Reflections on Christmas Camp Spiritual Activities

Originally, we agreed that we would have religious activities since we have a Sunday in our schedule.  We plan to have separate activities like a mass for the Roman Catholics, worship service for the Protestants, Imam for the Muslim and so forth.  Interestingly, it was only a day before the camp that  we were informed that those invited to facilitate the different religious activity were not coming.

We made Plan B which is to do a Scout's Own.  A Scout's Own emphasizes that Scouts should believe that a God exist.  This is the common denominator for all Scouting movement all over the world - Duty to God.  To be in Scouting, you need to believe in a god.

The Scout's Own started with singing some spiritual songs that are generic for the majority and widely use in Scouting.  Then, we had a Scripture reading from Psalm 1, I was tasked to share an instant message since I am a Pastor.  The we had intercessory prayers.  We used ACTS - Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication.  We sang a song for each section and asked a everyone to pray and it was closed by a staff through a closing prayer.  While for supplication we gave emphasis on praying for the nation, scouting movement and our own family.  These prayers were ended by Scout representatives.  We also had an offering and ended with a closing song prayer and benediction by me.

Many were telling me it was their first experience in congregational type of prayer.  It was good since many first experience praying for the country, and their family.  They felt very spiritual and blessed throughout the day.  I also got the opportunity on giving emphasis on Jesus Christ that day.  I praise God for such an opportunity.  I also praise God that I saw boys praying as partners, which is good because I noticed many really do not know how to pray.

We also have a Scout's Own booth were all Scouts are required to visit.  They will have activity in the booth.  I was able to get a gospel presentation on foldable cards.  The kids loved it.  There were two type of foldable card; the paper and a cardboard type.  Each Scout was asked to listen and try folding the paper foldable card.  If they are interested to get the cardboard type, they have to share to others and I will assist them.  Interestingly so many young people wanted to share the gospel.  They stayed with me, batch by batch it was their turn to share the gospel.  Isn't that amazing, it lighten our load since Scouts themselves were sharing in their own.  Incredible!  There were also tons of gospel tracts for them to use.

I am bless as I hear each kid and even adults coming and praying to accept Jesus to be their personal Lord and Savior.

As a reward, for those who attended the Scout's Own service, Scouts Own Booth and Film Showing, we prepared a Scout is Reverent button pin as a gift, sponsored by Scout Citizen Dexter.

Being a pastor, prayer has become an emphasis in our camp, including our meetings and activities were filled with prayers.  I hope they were not offended but I believe they themselves experience God's love and care throughout the camp.

Because of our emphasis on Spirituality, stolen things were even returned during the last day.  Wow!  That is indeed evidence of transformation.  I praise God that I believe everyone was drawn closer to God during those five days of camp.  Two windbreakers of the staff was stolen and one was returned.  A bag of shirts of Abad Santos High School was stolen and was returned though missing one piece.  The rest of the things stolen were a windbreaker, a cellphone and a three kilo hotdogs.  It seems this camp has the most few stolen things according to record as compared to other camps.  But I am not sure, I think the cellphone was also returned.  God is good!

Of course, the last is the Manga Messiah book that we gave out as a reward if they were to complete all the decals in their booklet.  And for the adults was Daily Bread.  But it seems the adult leaders wanted the Manga Messiah as well.  hehehe  The Manga Messiah is a Japanese cartoon book about the birth of Jesus, His life and miracles, death and resurrection, which I included a sticker of congratulations with a sinner's prayer included in my message.

Christ was given emphasis in this camp because it is a Christmas Camp.  It is all about Jesus Christ and the whole camp was able to do it well because it was His camp.  

Finally, during the closing ceremony when the all the people gave a grand Mabuhay Cheer to me, I requested that we need to give also one to God.  And everyone was really shouting at the top of their voice, praising God!  Amazing!

Praise the Lord talaga!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Reflections on Christmas Camp Site

The campsite is Cogeenick Youth Camp, owned by my good friend and also a member of our Executive Board in Manila Council, Sir Efren Edgard P. Dieta.  The campsite was really clean and nice.  I praise God for such a wonderful place.  The people are also respectful and honest.

It is a ten hectare lot where there is a dormitory for male and a dormitory for females, a main hall and so many activity areas.  They also have a canteen, mess hall, two swimming pools, and four air-con units.  I praise God because I am Camp Director and had a privilege to use one of the aircon room, at least it is very private.  The place is very cold and windy, air-con is no longer necessary but I still used it as a luxury and rest moments for myself.

The Dieta family was complete, Mrs Alice and their two kids, Cogee who acted as camp doctor and Nick who help in their store for awhile since they do not have staff because it is Christmas break.  There were all warmth and always smiling.  

There are also a lot of Nipa huts around the camp.  We used some of the huts to be our camp headquarter, another as Post Office, another as Scout's Own booth, another as Scout Shop and so many others.

The camp has other facilities like fishing, team building facilities, rappelling and course for challenges.  The place is big enough and full of trees around.

I praise God for this family, we actually requested for so many additional facilities which they happy invested though we were not able to reach our target participants.  They were still accommodating and openly supported our activities.  Originally we targeted 800 participants but we ended up 333 only.  I felt ashamed for not hitting our target but still though they know we will not hit the target number they still continued constructing and building the facilities we requested, what we paid them I think is only 1/3 of the new investments we requested.

God is indeed still good.  I praise God for such wonderful family.  I praise that God would bless them more for the good deeds they shared with us.

I was able to quiet down and read half of Tipping Point of Malcolm Gladwell.  I was not able to finish because of the many responsibilities but I was still able to spend time with God.  Praise the Lord.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Reflections on Christmas Camp Special Events

This camp is really full of surprises.  We have a camp that was visited by three past council chairman by the person of Mr. Eduardo Delgado, Dr. Miguel Yu and Mr. Harry Angping.  Of course the present council chairman is also present Dr. Zenaida Pontinioza.  Of course other personalities like me hehehe as the First Vice Chairman and the Second Vice Chairman Sir Florenz Antonio was also present in this camp.  They say, it was the first camp that so many chairmen came.  It was really a blessing.  The boys and the leaders were very very much encouraged by their support.

Special events includes the Court of Honor I already mention in my earlier blogs.  The Court of Honor is quite unique in one way because many of the boys and their leaders never experience a Court of Honor.  This is again a first for them in this camp.

We launch the Go Green program of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines.  This go green encourages young people to care for our environment by planting trees.  This is the latest advancement of the BSP.  The Scouts undergo "Go Green" lecture on the importance of environment preservation, then the have to move to "Grow Green" where they have to grow seedlings.  And finally, "Earn Green," which you can either sell the 3ft sapling to BSP or plant it in your school or your own backyard.  BSP is willing to provide the seed for the boys to care and sell the saplings back for tree planting activity of the BSP.  We had a ceremonial tree planting.  Each district were given space in the campsite to plant their sapling.  I was also given one, so the tree is name after me hehehe.  Interesting isn't it?  I know only old people do these stuffs, maybe I am really getting old, which I am not comfortable being given such honor.  But I still praise God for I believe the more I get recognized, the more my influence to share Christ widens.

Another first for awarding ceremony of the Outstanding Scouts of Manila Council.  It was announced during the camp and it was also the first time so many people witnessed it.  For the past years, only winner and their parents attends the awarding ceremony.  This time so many attended and witness, so we were able to challenge other Scouts to take the challenge and be the next Outstanding Scout of Manila Council.   Many people do not know we have such a search, and we were glad that we did this in camp, it was an eye opener for so many people.

Another special event and activity was the Scout's Own and the Scouts Own booth which I will deal in one whole blog later.  This experiences was overwhelming for all of us.  I praise God for His hand throughout the camp.

To God be all the glory.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Reflections on Christmas Camp Other Programs

The camp is quite unique in a sense because of the STAs we created (Spare Time Activity).  This kept the kids busy; making every single minute count as a learning experience.

Besides the Belen making during the first night, we also had the "Scout is Thrifty Program" with decorating a piggy bank, which we launch during the last day.  As I was listening to the presentation of the program, the staff asked what is the part of the Scout Law we were giving emphasis on this activity?  A boy raised his hand and said, "creativity,"  I almost died laughing.  The boy got confused, maybe because we were asking them to decorate the cans.  The boys really enjoyed this; I also enjoyed it as I put coins to their piggy bank.  Every body was banging their piggy bank to make noise.  It was really fun.

Another activity which shocked us was the post office.  We asked each Scout to create a "Thank You Card" for their parents.  We set up a post office booth for them to buy a stamp and mail it to their parents.  The kids really do not know how to write a letter anymore.  Majority of them was their first time to mail a letter.  The sender and recipient got mixed up.  We even saw an addressee: To my mom and dad.   Cute, funny but also serious.  We have to educated them step by step.  They decorated a card for their parents, learned how to write a letter envelope, buy a stamp and even mailing it.  Wasn't that great!  They learned so much from this experience.

Another activity was the lantern.  This lantern was great.  All the while we only thought the lanterns would be an additional Christmas emphasis activity.  We had pagsundo.  During the last day, we had a lantern parade.  The staff sung songs and fetch the Scouts from their campsite going to the main hall.  In the last minute thought, we agreed to put a candle inside the lantern.  It was so beautiful.  I never saw anything like it in my entire life.  If you would look a the picture, the whole thirty minute walk around the camp.  It was so colorful and meaningful.  This was done before the film showing.

The Grand Campfire was a big hit especially for me when they installed me as the Head of the camp in a special ceremony.  It included three things, the salakot, staff and sash that carries a lot of symbolism.  Salakot - sumasagisag sa kapangyarihan bilang isang pinuno ng Kampungan para sa 2008 Christmas Camp.  Tungkod - sumasagisag ng pamumuno na siyang gumagabay sa bawat kabataang Iskawt at mga tagapamahala upang magkaroon ng kaayusan, matagumpay at di-makakalimutang Christmas Camp.  Sash - sumasagisag ng katungkulan na iniatang ng Manila Council Executive Board sa pinuno ng Kampungan.

These activities sure made the heart of the people light, easy and blessed.