Monday, January 5, 2009

Reflections on Christmas Camp Scout Law

In this Christmas camp, the staff has given emphasis on two laws.  The Scout is Thrifty and the Scout is Reverent but through the course of the camp we added two more, which are The Scout is Trustworthy and the Scout is Clean.

Camp or any Scouting activity should be a place were we need to highlight values emphasized by the Scout Oath (our duties) and the Scout Law (our values).  Since it has been observed that Scout no longer how to be thrifty, we launch a piggy bank campaign that challenges the participants to save and prepare their participation in the upcoming Asia-Pacific Jamboree that would be held in Makiling.  Though is would be held in the Philippines, it is still an international activity.

Another was the Scout is Reverent, we inserted different activities that would help the Scouts have reverence to the god they serve; we had a worship service for all (since the Roman Catholic priest did not arrived, everybody just came to the Christian worship service), gospel folding card activity and gospel film showing on Joshua.  Spiritual formation is one of the emphasis of the Scouting Movement.  Since most of the participants believe in the Christian God, we gave more emphasis to Him and His Son Jesus Christ because after all, we were celebrating Christmas.  We ended up giving God the Grand Mabuhay Yell during our lantern parade and merry making with their coin bank; everybody was praising God.

Later, we added two more though we did not create any activity for these two but was kept repeatedly in every announcement.  Since there was theft in the camp, we gave emphasis on the Scout is Trustworthy.  We kept on repeating this and matching with the emphasis on Scout is Reverent, most of the stolen goods where returned at the end of the day.

Lastly, we also gave emphasis on the Scout is Clean.  We were surprised when after the film showing, the place is like a movie house that is full of wrappers and junk all over.  So, we also gave emphasis on this law as we were about to break camp.  The camp was indeed very clean as if we were never there after such emphasis.

I think this is always missing when we do things whether in church, school, and even in Scouting.  We always forget to give emphasis on those values formation that should be  intentionally added to the different activities.  When we do this intentional addition of values emphasis, learning for the young people would be complete because their minds are being formed with the correct values that they need to possess.

I think the staff should always rethink how we plan our activities in Scouting.  We have to always try to find how to insert these values or the Scout Oath and the Scout Law in every activity we make.  This is a clear lesson from the Basic Training Course but I still wonder how come these were not being applied properly in all our activities.  This is actually what educators would say as part of the Curriculum Mapping.

Anyway, I believe this camp made the difference especially through the effort of the dynamic staff who dedicated themselves selflessly to serve the boy.

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