Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Shoe Box Update

Praise the Lord!  Today, the students were able to raise the money we needed for our Christmas party outreaches.  The money we collected is even doubled than what we really needed.  God is indeed good.  The SC saw how God worked through our prayers.  I believe this is one of my personal purpose for them to personally experience God.

Yesterday, as we count the shoeboxes, we discovered that we still lack 100 boxes for the home for the aged.  Our president was in panic and she started to call her mom to ask her to start canvassing blankets.  I told her not to panic, and since prayer already worked the first time, it will work again the second time, all she needs is to pray and have faith.  Today, a parent called up informing us that since they are also ministering to the same group that we would be visiting, they have prepared 100 boxes of gifts to add to our shoeboxes.  They didn't even know that we lack 100 boxes.  Isn't that amazing.   The SC were so surprised about this matter.  I praise God for He continuous to reveal Himself to the students.

I also praise God for the students are really excited in planning for the outreaches.  It would be the first time for our students to go out for outreaches simultaneously.  This is also the first time, class officers are being empowered to organize such events.  I believe this is an opportunity to discover leadership skills among our students and hope we can hone them further as the opportunity arises.

Praise God for all these things that are happening.  I thank God also for giving me an opportunity to minister to our young people.  I really hope that all of our students can come to experience God in a deep and personal way.

 To God be All the Glory!!!

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