Sunday, March 21, 2010

Difficulty in Blogging

It has been quite sometime already that I have stopped blogging.  Blogging is really an opportunity to reflect learning and re-learn newly learned stuffs.  According to study, reflection is the best andragogy.  It allows adults to create synthesis of new learnings.  Blogging is a form of reflection, not only just posting your personal thoughts to shout out your innermost thoughts, but allows us to value and understand ourselves and our new ideas better.

But assuming a new role in the school, has made me careful and at times becoming too careful for what I post.  Since becoming a principal, it has become so difficult to express myself because blogs can give readers a lot of meanings beside my real intent.  Though blogging involves freedom to express oneself, it is also an open door to be quoted and attacked by people who would try to find your fault.  Actually, blogs can be true and can be false.  But with my position posting things that are false might affect my integrity.

But still I opted to blog again, though I need to be careful but more important is to be able to express myself.

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