Thursday, April 24, 2008

Deaconess Fellowship

I have been thinking about this since last year.  The idea was to help develop bonding among our church leaders.  It seems whenever our church leaders meet its always about ministry, meeting or problems.  It also seems that the leaders has not enjoyed serving God because there is lack of joy, love and fellowship among them.

I have been thinking of calling some meetings with church leaders composed of different age groups.  Hopefully the younger leaders can glean on the wisdom of the seasoned leaders while the seasoned leaders can catch fresh ideas from the new ones.

Calling ten deaconnesses for fellowship, only six came.  But is was a good composition and we really enjoyed sharing God's goodness and teachings as we journey through life.  We talked about personal stuff and eat - just plain simple and yet meaningful fellowship.

I really praise God because I learned so many things from each participant.  I was able to gain renewed perpectives on how God is working in each of their lives.  I also came to know the more about them.

I praise God for such an idea.  I believe, it worked.  There was bonding and able to get to know more about each other on another new level.

Those who attended were Belen chi, Tita K, Sirene chi, Peggy chi, Elaine chi, and Ruthie chi.  Next week, all deacons naman.  It was intentional that not all were invited so that a mix of deacons can meet and keep the discussion intimate.  We did not have enough time... so many things were not discussed but till next time as the group agreed.

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