Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Big Rush

It was really hell running after time.  It was a record breaking experience for me this morning.  I was in La Salle to check on my papers if has been approved.  Praise God, it was already accepted, this means I could graduate this June if I would meet the deadline.

To meet the deadline I have to rush and gather signature so that I can submit my paper to the English and Literature Department for APA editing.  From DLSU, I took my paper and rushed to Sienna College where the chair of my panel was hosting a seminar.  After she have signed my approval and editing sheets.  I was in a rush going to Hope Christian to meet Dr. Divina for her signature on grammar editing.  Then, off to La Salle again to the English and Literature Department submit my paper for APA editing.  I need to submit my paper to the department before it closes for lunch break.  Afterwards I went to a clinic near Metropolitan Hospital to have my left ear check because of an infection and rushed again to my house for my third hilot session for my aching back and leg in Escolta.

I was rushing central (Escolta) to south (DLSU), to north (Sienna College), to central (Hope Christian) to south (DLSU) and back to central (Clinic near Metropoiltan hospital) and then home (Escolta) again.  These rushing was done from 9:30 am to 12:30 am.

It was a big rush.  My deadline to graduate is actually May 8 but since I am leaving for the Woodbadge training in May 4.  I need to submit everything by May 2.  APA editing is too unpredictable when the editors can finish editing my paper - the earlier you submit to them of course the better.

It seems done but it is still a long shot away.  After the APA editing, I still need to update my paper and submit the final document for graduation.  I am still left hanging whether to graduate this June or October.  God's timing is still the best.

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