Sunday, July 12, 2009

Triple Celebration

I praise God for His goodness to our church for the past 80 years.  In spite of our imperfections but continues to showers His blessing to our church.  All I can reflect and thank God is about how our church forefathers has been faithful with the Lord and we continue to receive such blessings and grace.  It also allowed me to reflect what are we to leave behind for the next generation.

This morning celebration was already very grand.  It was short but grand.  Each second really counts through the help of five energetic worship coordinators that made all things possible.  Our joint service was meaningful though lasted only 125 mins, it was just right; just as we planned the flow of the program.   The prayer of Rev. Ong that morning was inspiring, it moved my heart to appreciate God more because of so much unsung heroes that were faithful in serving the Lord.  Each part was practically WORSHIP.  Though in my busy overseeing the whole program, still incredible that I was so blessed and was able to worship the Lord.

The fruit baskets were really symbolic and nice.  The hymns were so spirit filling.  The message was a really challenge to renew our commitment in knowing our LORD!.  The prayer of the church members were heartfelt.  The anthem sung by the church leaders really made the opening salvo calling the congregation to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth.  Of course our liturgist Elder Steven Sy has a very good command of both English and Chinese languages that has pulled people's attention to God.  I praise God for every second of the joint worship.

The afternoon service was the main course I believe, with 73 churches and para-church organizations came to celebrate with us.  It was a three-in-one celbration; a thanksgiving, a reconciliation and an ordination.  The thanksgiving help us pictured our heritage and learn how to appreciate them, follow the models of our church fathers.  What made the whole service tick more was when the speaker ushered the direction of our church with a sad past during our 70th year and a new beginning for our 80th year.  After our 70th year celebration, our church split but today we leave the past behind and reconciled our broken relationships together.  United Evangelical Church of the Philippines and New Millennium Evangelical Church made a bold move to mend differences, putting the past behind and moving both churches forward.  It was a very emotional moment at that time.  Well, though we have differences that cause our parting ways, I believe there were still a lot of good days than bad days in the past.

Today, both church put a big period (.) in our history; we have closed a chapter of our books.  The shaking of hands, hugging and tears has allowed me to see how God was gracious to both churches.  I think this is even record breaking, because I have not heard of church that split, publicly reconciled.  Both churches really have spiritual maturity, with the desire to honor Christ.  The reconciliation was witnessed by our guests and in front of all ordained ministers.  It was so good and God glorifying moment.  I praise God, really praise Him.

The third part opened with the entrance of our two emeritus pastors to the sanctuary, both are very old and well.  Rev. Wesley Shao 93 and Rev. Wesley Chang 94 came in at the same time, we gave them honor by recognizing their contributions to our church together with two lady pastors Pastor Ho Wee Tuan and Pastor Yap Aie Hoo.  I think it was so well sequence that after recognizing the pastors, we entered the ordination ceremony.  It made our ordination even more meaningful.  Imagine both of our senior leaders who are well respected by the Filipino-Chinese Churches came to the scene in full robe and join the ordination.  For me, it was a blessing because their presence made our ordination meaningful, especially when they handed over to us the Shepherd's Staff.  I did not notice this great significance, but members told me that they were so blessed when the pictured out the most senior ordained ministers passing their baton to the youngest ordained ministers.  When I was told about such insight, the more I appreciate and see the load of responsibility even heavier.

The ordination ceremony was indeed significant when each part was highlighted with its symbolic significance.  I was again bless, though many still thought that I was excited but in reality I am confused.  The different symbolisms of the ordination ceremony made me more undeserving and questions' myself if I am qualified to such position.  Anyway, I believe God's grace I really need to move forward and continue to do His ministry for His glory.

Dinner was simple, elegant and really fellowship.  At first we have problem, how many people?  but at the end of the day, from 50 tables expanded to 60 to 70 and awhile ago 75 tables all in all.  Many were willing to buy more tickets but we were really exhausted, the ballroom can only accommodate 60 tables max, we need to use the hallway to accommodate all the people.  It was really a big celebration.  God is honored.

I praise God for allowing me to be part of this wonderful church.  I believe I see spring for UECP.  After being frozen in the winter for almost a decade.  Now, we enter spring, the long cold winter is over.  I believe UECP will be very very well blessed by God in the coming years.  It is now springtime, it would be exciting years ahead for us...

Praise the Lord!

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