Friday, July 3, 2009

Understanding Ordination

Weird but true... since I am the Program Director of the 80th Anniversary, I have no choice but  to do the program of my own ordination.  Weird but true, because I was also the Program Director during our church's 75th Anniversary, I was able to gain experience how to do it.  This time with some coaching from Rev. Willy Cheng more meaning has been added to the ordination ceremony as compared last time and even the past ordination ceremonies of our church.  I came to learn and understand what ordination is all about.  Some misconceptions were changed and in the end, we realized even more that ordination is no joke or not even "just" a ceremony.

The Ordination goes like this...

Opening Remarks (Explains to the congregation the meaning and importance of ordination of ministers).

Script: Pastoral Ordination is an ecclesiastical credential. It is proffered upon an individual in public acknowledgment of what the Lord has already accomplished in calling him to the Gospel Ministry. One seeking such a congregational affirmation should be and must remain above reproach in life and character, and be sound in doctrine as well as competent in ministry skills.

Introduction of Candidate (The candidate is presented to the congregation with a recitation of key aspects of his Christian life and ministry).


Pastor Leonides T. Son was born on June 17, 1971 in Manila.  He is the eldest son of Arsenio and Purita Son.

He studied in Hope Christian High School from pre-school to high school, graduating in 1988.  He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Accounting degree from the Philippine School of Business Administration in 1992.  He worked in the corporate world for five years before heeding the call of God for fulltime ministry.  He graduated with a Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies from the Biblical Seminary of the Philippines in 2000.  He finished his Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Management in De La Salle University in  2006 and finished his Doctor of Philosophy in Education Major in Educational Leadership and Management in 2008 at the same school.

Pastor Leo was an active youth leader in UECP before entering the seminary.  Since 2000, he has served as a fulltime pastor at UECP.  He held various positions, including Chief Youth Pastor, Head of General Service Department, Head of Nurture and Training Department, Program Director of the 75th and 80th Anniversary Celebrations, organizer and adviser of various ministries.

He is also an active member of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines serving as Assistant Leader Trainer with CMT, training adult leaders.  He is currently on his 3rd term as First Vice Chairman of Manila Council, BSP.

Pastor Leo Jaime T. Son was born in Manila on April 2, 1975 and is younger brother to Pastor Leonides and the youngest of three siblings.  He graduated from Hope Christian High School in 1992 and finished his Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from the Mapua Institute of Technology in 1997.

His earliest involvement in UECP was with the Children’s Choir and Sunday school.  Since his early teens, he served in the youth ministry in various capacities.  His involvement with Campus Crusade for Christ in college further developed his passion for evangelism and discipleship.  After graduation, he worked in the world of sales and marketing for some years.  

After 8 years of waiting for God’s timing, Pastor LJ went to Singapore Bible College for his theological training.  He graduated with a Masters of Divinity in Biblical Studies in 2003 and Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling in 2004.  He has been married to Nancy for 7 years now and they are blessed with a son, Nigel, who is now 10 months old.  For the past five years, Pastor LJ has been serving at UECP as youth pastor, reaching, discipling and equipping youth and young professionals alike to make disciples.  He looks forward to involve you in partnering with him to fulfill the Great Commission for the glory of God.

Narration of Events (A telling of the sequence of events including the Consistorial recommendation, pastoral examination and final endorsement).

Script: In June 1, 2009, the UECP Board of Elders formally endorsed Pastor Leonides T. Son and Pastor Leo Jaime T. Son for ordination.  This was affirmed by the UECP Consistory on June 5, 2009.  Subsequently, an ordaining council composed of seven ordained ministers was organized.  The candidates were interviewed on their doctrinal beliefs, pastoral experiences and personal life conditions on June 18 and 20, 2009.

Endorsement of Ordination (A public endorsement of the candidate for Pastoral Ordination is given which affirms his fitness and willingness for the profferment).

Script: Upon the recommendation of the leadership of UECP and after a thorough examination by the ordaining council,  both candidates meet the standards for ordination. Therefore, we endorse Pastor Leonides T. Son and Pastor Leo Jaime T. Son to be ordained.

Doctrinal Examination (The candidate is examined before the congregation with reference to his doctrinal beliefs and steadfastness).


1. Do you believe in the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and rely on Jesus Christ as your Savior and confess Him as Lord of the Church?   (I believe.)

2. Do you believe that the Scripture of the Old and New Testaments are revealed by God, are the supreme standard of faith and action, including all doctrine for salvation?  (I believe.)

3. Are you willing to seek the unity and fellowship of the church and uphold and keep the sacraments and ordinances of our church according to the proper interpretation of Scripture?  (I am willing.)

Pastoral Promises (The candidate is asked to publicly declare his commitment to the pastoral ministry).


1. As far as you know, your own heart and conscience, do you believe your willingness to accept this office comes from a sincere desire to glorify God and to seek the growth of His church?  (I so believe.)

2. As you receive this call to be a minister, is your greatest purpose and most important motive to glorify God and to spread the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ?  (It is.)

3. Do you promise through God’s help to sincerely take up the responsibilities of pastor of this congregation, to joyfully seek all work that will extend God’s kingdom, and to give an example of faith and life to them?  (I so promise.)

Congregational Promises (The congregation pledges their support to the future pastor, promising to be subject to his spiritual instruction and vowing to take care of his earthly needs).


Members of the United Evangelical Church of the Philippines, since you have chosen and called Pastor Leonides T. Son and Pastor Leo Jaime T. Son to be the ministers of your congregation.

1. Do you promise with humble hearts to accept the truths of the Gospel that they preach?  (Congregation raises hands.)

2. Do you promise to pray for them, to encourage them in shepherding the church, and to help and follow them?  (Congregation raises hands.)

3. Do you promise, in order to preserve the order and name of the church, to follow the rules of the church and to mutually forgive so as to avoid harm to the work?  (Congregation raises hands.)

4. When they become your minister, will you respect their office and give them what is necessary so that their life may be without strain and that the dignity of the church may be protected?  (Congregation raises hands.)

Signing of Promises (The candidate signs an agreement based on the Pastoral Promises in front of witnessing Elders attesting to his commitment to fulfill the duties and responsibilities as an ordained minister).

Ordination (The members of the Ordaining Council, being composed of ordained ministers, lay hands upon the candidate to ordain him into the pastoral ministry).

Presentation of Robe (The pastoral robe placed upon the newly-ordained symbolizes his willing assumption of the new office.  It also serves to hide the human instrument, thereby highlighting his being sheltered by the grace of the Lord Christ whom he serves).

Presentation of Stole (The stole symbolizes the religious authority of this office to the ministry of the Word and to officiate religious ordinances).

Presentation of Bible and Scriptural Verse (A copy of the Bible is presented to the new minister as a symbolic gesture that his teaching is to be guided by the Word of God.  A selected Bible verse(s) is read to him by way of encouragement, exhortation or reminder).

Presentation of Shepherd’s Staff (The Shepherd’s Staff handed over to the new minister represents his responsibility to guide and to protect the flock, as well as his authority to lead and to instruct them).

Presentation of Towel (The Towel of Servanthood is presented to the new minister in remembrance of the Lord Christ who washed and dried the feet of His disciples).

Presentation of Gift (The Gift represents the congregation’s pledge of steady support and provision for the life and ministry of the new minister).

Presentation of Ordination Certificate (The Ordaining Council presents the Certificate of Ordination to the new minister).

Presentation of Newly Ordained Minister (The new minister is formally presented to the congregation).

Script: In the name of Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Church, according to the authority He has given the church, I now announce that both of you, Rev. Leonides T. Son and Rev. Leo Jaime T. Son, have been ordained as ministers by the United Evangelical Church of the Philippines to proclaim the Gospel, to celebrate the sacraments and to conduct other ordinances, to lead and serve the Church.

Prayer of Supplication (A member of the Ordaining Council prays for divine sustenance and blessings upon the newly-ordained in this new phase of his ministry as a Minister of the Gospel).

Right Hand of Fellowship (The Ordaining Council welcomes the new minister into the fellowship of ordained pastors.  The new minister is ushered to take his place on the stage with other ministers).

Script: As servants of the Lord, we by this hand of fellowship welcome you into our fellowship, together doing the Lord’s work.

Pastoral Pledge (The new minister declares his commitment to the Lord, to sound teaching, to the Great Commission and to the pastoral ministry).

Ordination involves solemnity and high value because its office is affirmed and instituted by God through His selected people (Ordained Ministers).  This experience of program preparation has allowed me to understand the sacredness of the office that I am about to receive.  All the more, I am humbled because I am not worthy for such office but God's grace gave it to me to fulfill the Ministry of the Gospel.

For His GLORY!!!

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