Saturday, August 1, 2009

Last Contribution?

After the exciting anniversary I was telling myself - what next?  Spring has come and the cold winter was over.  So??? Hmmmm... I was praying for our church and then suddenly, I was thinking what is the best thing I can leave with my mother church that I hope to last???

Since I can no longer be doing any major project or activity because I have leaving... What I can only do is really to pray for UECP.  And I remembered the DawnWatch prayer meeting I organized and disbanded some years ago.  I said, maybe I can reorganized this and I think this is what our church needs more to answer the question - what next?

So, crazily, I asked some of those who joined the previous DawnWatch prayer meeting to reconsider joining me in this journey of praying for UECP.  Before it was once week, this time I wanted it daily.  Are you crazy?  I was asked.

I remembered my visit in Korea where the churches there have their DawnWatch prayer meeting daily.  They have several schedule 4 am, 5 am, 6 am, and 7 am.  The churches are packed with thousands of believers going to church early morning to pray.  So, I said to myself this is possible.

And today, we launch and 6 of us came 6 am in the morning to start praying for UECP.  Praise the Lord!

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