Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Power of Prayer

As I was cramming how to present my message for Sunday, the passage in Romans was really killing me.  I was a little bit exhausted so I started to kneel down and prayed to God to grant me .001% of His preaching capability in order to preach well for His people as well as borrow the gift of tongue so that I can speak Chinese well.

I have been praying before as a prepare my message and it has been my usual practice that a week before I preach in a certain church that I would spend time praying for the congregation that they may rest well the night before and that God would fill them with a heart of worship on Sunday.

It seems I really need a lot of prayers, so I started texting people around maybe more than 50 to 60 prayer partners to pray for me.  Afterwards, God gave me a good rest the whole night.

Today, as I review the English version of my message, I don't know what happened but I started rewriting it at it really turned out better as each of the doctrine on the Trinity, Justification and Sanctification starts to reach better explanation.

Before the day ends, Elder Leonida passed by the office and insisted that I preached to her the Chinese version before I go.  I praise God for sending wisdom and people to assist me in my sermon preparation.  My Chinese version after delivering it to Elder Leonida has been fine tuned, making it more understandable as well as correcting some errors in my pronunciation.

Praise God!  Prayer really Works!

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