Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Reflections on Christmas Camp Programs

This camp seems to be unique in one sense because we have subdivided the whole program to three sections.  The morning is focused on advancement, afternoon are all physical activities and evening are light activities.  I saw that the camp program was well-balance in a sense that people can get what it important (the advancement), physical (strenuous activities), and enough rest activities (light activities).

I praise God, we had advancement activities for the Scouts to go through.  The whole morning was dedicated to advancement.  We had lectures, and later board of review.  What is most amazing was during the last day we had Court of Honor, awarding them their cards.  It was so cool.  It is the first time that we were able to complete an advancement program in our camp in the council where formal Court of Honor was held.  The boy experience a complete cycle of advancement.  This is really amazing.  Even the adult leaders were exposed what needs to be done in advancement which has been the council's problem ever since.

The afternoon activities were also great, we had the challenge valley, the exploring nature, and the water challenge.  Each activity stresses the kids to do their best and do an extra mile.  The three activities were really good challenges for the boys even for the adults.  The adults were even getting more involve to participates in the Scout's activities.   It was great!  Everybody really had fun.

We also had morning exercise, during our last night when I announced no exercise the next morning, everybody was so happy.  It was not that they were not enjoying but waking up at 6 am for an exercise was not really easy even for me.   Btw, I was not able to participate in any of those exercise activities.

The light activities were great.  We just focused on Christmas stuffs at night.  We were hoping that we can highlight Jesus throughout the camp by inserting light activities at night.  We had the Belen making in their respective campsite during first night.  We had a different sub-camp campfire because we move away from the regular campfire activity to a portrayal of the true essence of Christmas, which is again focus on Jesus.  The grand campfire was only a summary of the best performance in each area, which again re-emphasizes the spirit of Christmas.  On our last night, we had a film showing on "Facing the Giants" for the boys and Scouters social for the adults.

I praise God!  So much opportunity to draw people closer to God.  So much more…

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