Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Poor Memory

As I was preparing for some logistics of the Christmas Camp, I discovered that the campsite we have been using for several years has no camp layout.  I called up Architect Ponson to help out but he was not available.  Anyway, we still have many architects in the church so I decided to called others who can be available.  Finally, Michael Torres was available to help out.

I called up Jay to help out as well.  So we scheduled the visit and done a lot of preparation, only to find out today that I have class the next day where I personally scheduled the visit.  I am really getting old.  I have to ask them to go without me.

Maybe I am really quite pre-occupied lately that I do not know which is which.  But still it seems that I am confuse with so many stuffs.  So many things to do and do not know which to do first.  hehehe…

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