Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sermon Preparation Burnout

If you think making a sermon is easy... guess again.  I have been writing my sermons for the past months and it seems I am really exhausted preparing them.  I am almost out of brain juice but I still need to get ready for Sunday's sermon.

Sermon preparation starts with meditating on the Word of God for weeks trying to seek God's message for the congregation.  Afterwards it involves writing it down, identifying the central proposition, title and outline.  You have to explain the biblical context and try to find the theological context and the relevance to your audience.  And you need to form the application with added illustration for more clarify and clear expectation from the listeners.  It needs rewriting and rewriting.  And you cannot just seat down and write and write because in each paragraph you write, you need time for reflection for it to sink in completely to you.   You cannot really just preach and preach, it needs relevance and connection with your personal transformation.

Then, you still need to practice how it should be delivered depending on the age group of your audience.  If you are speaking to a Chinese congregation, you still need to translate it to Chinese.  My world lately seems to evolve only in message preparation.  And it seems, I am going rounds, doing one sermon after the other just to keep up with my scheduled preaching.

But praise God for allowing me to preach His word to His people.  Since this is my call to do so and I really need to spend more time with Him to continually gain insights from His Word.  I enjoy spending time with God, but it seems my life has been enclose to this activity only lately that makes my life a little less exciting.  It seems I needed some recreation to have a fresh outlook for my messages..

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