Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Power of Strengthened Faith

Today, is the first day for our lay leaders' "Inner Healing Seminar."  It has been raining hard all morning and the pastors have been praying for God to intervene.  Many places are very much flooded.  We were foreseeing that the seminar will have difficulty in gathering attendance since it will be difficult to come to church with such situation.

By God's grace; He answered our prayers.  The typhoon has left and the rain suddenly stopped in the afternoon.  The roads were cleared up and we even overshoot our target of attendance.  There were more than 100 people who attended the Inner Healing Seminar.  I also saw so much church leaders attending this seminar.  The Power of Faith is at work among us in this spirituality session as God answers our prayers, so as our faith in Him is strengthened.

We now just need to pray that these people who attended that they would be able to chew on what has been discussed.  It really needed deep reflection and thinking in order to understand the process of Inner Healing.

Since God has called so many people to attend, I believe that God is going to do it again - to send revival to His church - in UECP.

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