Monday, August 4, 2008

Throwing Away Stuffs

I planned to go to the office this morning but the heavy rain has really prevented me from leaving home.  And I really need a break after doing the sermon for St. Stephen's and my grandmother's wake.  It was not really easy and I was really exhausted since I also got fever during that week.

It has been my personal custom to clean my two rooms (bedroom and study room).  Since, I wanted to relax and do something different, I opted to bulldozer some stuffs.  For years, many times December, I would practically go through my stuffs and throw things away to de-clog my rooms with so many stuffs.  I think it was my Chinese instincts of wanting to keep and pile up things at home is always in me.  So for five years now, after collecting usually by December, I have this moments of de-clogging my rooms by getting a sack and start to put unwanted things there and throwing them away.

We practically have so many things at home that we do not need but do not know where to put them.  And our home does not look like homes but warehouses.  The best way is to de-clog and throw stuffs away.  I do not worry throwing away new things, I believe those who need it most, will be able to get them from the junk.

Some people might criticize me for doing this but honestly, I only give those stuffs away that I really do not need.  I do not throw all things away.  It can be a new notebook or a pen or a picture frame... But I am sure those who are in need would be able to get it from the trash.  Why not give it to our less fortunate employees at church?  Well, I do give them stuffs that are better than those I throw away.  Some kids out there are really in need are picking up garbage.  I always remember the prayer of Ms. Beltran when the faculty is having raffles in school.  She would ask God that the one who need it most would get the best price and everyone would agree that the winner was really the person who is in real need.

Breaking December tradition, I was able to gather up one sack for disposal.  I was also able to clean up some files at home as well as reclassify some books.

I started to de-clog because there was one time, I really wanted to get married, and after surveying our house and my room, it can't really fit another person with all of my personal garbage.  That was the time I made my personal resolution to de-clog rooms.  My first time to do this, I was able to throw away five sacks of stuffs.  And I was happy, that anytime my lifetime partner would pop in, she has plenty of space to put her stuff in....hehehe

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